Top US chef Grant Achatz shares tips for home cooks – Dani Valent

I’m thrilled to share an interview with leading US chef Grant Achatz. His Chicago restaurant Alinea is at the forefront of modern cuisine, largely because Grant never stops asking ‘why?’ He’s the ultimate culinary provocateur, questioning every aspect of dining. Why do we need to eat from plates? Why can’t food float? Can I make a stew that’s ice cold and boiling at the same time? His endless questing has led to some of the most mind-bending meals ever served.

When I caught up with him at the World’s 50 Best Restaurants awards in Melbourne, I tapped him for home cooking tips and was surprised by his big pointer. Seasoning! He exhorts us to be less afraid of salt and pepper and to season like chefs do: aggressively. Later that evening, Alinea was named 21st best restaurant in the world so it was a great night for the chef.

Dani Valent members have access to Grant’s mouth-watering recipes for Pierogies & Pretzels. Not a member? See below or click here. The recipes he’s shared with us both call for a decent amount of salt and I encourage you to add your salt then add a pinch more. Yes, be brave!

I know that many of us are wary of salt – we’ve all heard health warnings about overeating it. But the salt we need to be scared of is the salt that’s hidden in processed foods. The salt that we add to our own home cooking isn’t such a worry and it’s definitely a key building block of flavour.


Love a bit of carb-on-carb action – these potato pancakes are poached then fried so they have a lovely golden crunch.

Dani Valent members have access to the Pierogies recipe (login here, friends). Not a member? See below or click here.

DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Thermomix Pierogi recipe
DANI VALENT COOKING Grant Achatz Thermomix recipe Pierogies


Salt-dusted and fluffy, dark brown without and golden within, it’s very hard to stop at one…or two or, quite frankly three of these soft pretzels.

Dani Valent members have access to the Pretzels recipe. Not a member? See below or click here.

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My business card says ‘Writer. Eater. Traveller. Cook.’ I do all these things with equal passion, which is why I’m sometimes sitting at my laptop with an apron on! This is where I share all my best bits of writing, recipes and videos. There are free areas of the site where you can stay up to date with my journalism and get a taste of my cooking adventures. Sign up as a member and you’ll get access to my awesome and ever-growing library of cooking videos and recipes, focusing on Thermomix.

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